Aquatic plants

Anubis nana

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow

Maximum Size: 7.5 Inches

Water Conditions: 72-82°F, pH 6-7.5, 3-8 KH

Lighting: Low-Moderate

Propagation: Rhizome Division

Placement: Foreground to Background

Amazon sword

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow 

Maximum Size: 20 Inches+

Water Conditions: 72-82°F, pH 6.5-7.5, 3-8 KH

Lighting: Moderate-Strong 10-12hrs

Propagation: Shoots runners

Placement: Midground to Background

Red flame sword

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow

Maximum Size: 10  Inches+

Water Conditions: 72-83°F, pH 6.5-7.5, 3-8 KH

Lighting: Moderate - strong

Propagation: Shoots runners

Placement: Midground to Background

Java fern

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow to moderate

Maximum Size: 13.5 Inches

Water Conditions: 68-82°F, pH 6.0-7.5, 3-8 KH

Lighting: Moderate-Strong 10-12hrs

Propagation: Adventitious Plantlet/Rhizome Division

Placement: Midground to Background

Laced Java fern

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow to moderate

Maximum Size: 8 Inches

Water Conditions: 68-82°F, pH 5-8, 2-10 KH

Lighting: Low

Propagation: Rosette

Placement: Midground to Background

Madagascar lace

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow to moderate

Maximum Size: 8 Inches+

Water Conditions: 65-74°F, pH 6.5-7.5, 3-8 KH

Lighting: Low-moderate

Propagation: Bulbs (rhizomes), seeds

Placement: Midground to Background

Jungle Vallisneria

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 6 Feet

Water Conditions: 65-74°F, pH 6.0-9.0, 8 KH+

Lighting: Low-moderate

Propagation: Runners, seeds

Placement: Background

Pogostemon Stellata

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 10-20+ Inches

Water Conditions: 65-74°F, pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: High

Propagation: Stem

Placement: Midground to Background

Mayaca sellowiniana

Care Level: Moderate

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 5-10 Inches

Water Conditions: 70-83°F, pH 4.0-7.0

Lighting: Medium- High

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement: Background

Dwarf Hairgrass

Care Level: Moderate

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 4 Inches

Water Conditions: 70-83° F, KH 4-8, pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Medium

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Foreground

Giant Hairgrass

Care Level: Easy-moderate

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 20-30+ inches

Water Conditions: 59-77° F,  pH 6.0-9.0

Lighting: Medium

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Background

Hydrophilia Corymbosa

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 24 inches

Water Conditions: 68-82° F,  pH 6.0-7.5

Lighting: Medium

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement: Background

Bacopa monnieri

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 6 inches

Water Conditions: 72-82° F,  pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement: Midground to Background


Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 10-15 inches

Water Conditions: 62-82° F,  pH 5-7.2

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement: Midground to Background

Rotala Macranda

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 24 inches

Water Conditions: 65-78° F,  pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement: Background

CO2 Benefited

Cabomba Caroliniana

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 12-31 inches

Water Conditions: 72-82° F,  pH 6.8-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement: Background


Duckweed doesn't require any special care, and will thrive in everything from low light to high light, and soft water to hard water conditions. It's actually more difficult to get the duckweed not to grow, than it is to just sit back and allow it to grow on it's own.

Placement: Floating

Water Lettuce

Care Level: Moderate

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 20 inches

Water Conditions: 66-72° F,  pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Floating

Water Hyacinth

Care Level: Moderate

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 10 inches

Water Conditions: 59-79° F,  pH 5.8-6.0

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Floating


Care Level: Moderate

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: .25  inches

Water Conditions: 59-79° F,  pH 4.5-7.0

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Floating

Water Wisteria

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 20 inches

Water Conditions: 70-82°F, pH 6.5-7.5, KH 2-8

Lighting: Moderate to High

Propagation: Side Shoots/Cutting

Placement: Background or Carpet

Dwarf Sagittaria

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 4-6 inches

Water Conditions: 68-82° F,  pH 6.0-8.0

Lighting: Medium

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Foreground

Water Sprite

Care Level: Easy to moderate

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 13.5 inches

Water Conditions: 68-80° F,  pH 7.0-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Floating, midground, background

Red Tiger Lotus

Care Level: Easy to moderate

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 30+ inches

Water Conditions: 72-86° F,  pH 5.0-8.0

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Midground to Background, but bulb should be only 1/4 buried in substrate

CO2 Benefited


Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Fast

Maximum Size: 10 feet

Water Conditions: 59-86° F,  pH 6.0-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Cuttings

Placement:  Background, Floating

Crinum Calamistratum

Care Level: Moderate

Growth Rate: Slow

Maximum Size: 14 inches

Water Conditions: 72-80° F,  pH 6.0-8.0

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Midground, Background

Anacharis elodea

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 24 inches

Water Conditions: 60-82° F,  pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Medium 

Propagation: Cutting

Placement: Background

Anubias Barteri

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate

Maximum Size: 5 inches

Water Conditions: 72-82° F,  pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Low to moderate for slow growth, high intensity lighting for faster growth. 

Propagation: Rhizome Division

Placement: Midground, Background

Bronze Crypt wendtii

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 6-7 inches

Water Conditions: 74-84° F,  pH 6.0-7.5

Lighting: Low to Medium 

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Foreground, Midground

Dwarf Chain sword

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate

Maximum Size: 4 inches

Water Conditions: 72-80° F,  pH 6.5-7.5

Lighting: Medium to High

Propagation: Cutting

Placement: Background

Crypt Balansae

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Moderate to Fast

Maximum Size: 21 inches

Water Conditions: 60-82° F,  pH 6.0-9.0

Lighting: Medium 

Propagation: Runners

Placement: Background, Midground

Alternanthera Reineckii Variegated

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow

Maximum Size: 20 inches

Water Conditions: 73-86° F,  pH 6.2-7.1

Lighting: Medium To High

Propagation: Cutting

Placement: Background